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Logistics management for Re-development of a listed legacy building.

Flood Precast planning and in-house frameworks solving logistical issues and supplying Hollowcore precast flooring at the re-development of a listed legacy building in London.




Project Information: Collège Français Bilingue de Londres, Wembley, UK


Project Team:

Contractor:  Bouygues UK

Engineer:      Tyrell

Architect:      Tyrell

Timescale:    10 weeks

Sq. Metres:   5450 sq. m of 150mm, 200mm, 250mm and 300mm of Hollowcore Flooring.

Issues and Problems:

  • Logistics.
  • Timescale.
  • Listed legacy building

Requirments: Hollowcore

One of the main issues presented with this project was the logistics of delivering Flood precast hollowcore to the development site. However with our experienced in-house planning and transport teams that we have in place we had all bases covered.

This project involved the re-modelling of the listed legacy building and the construction of the new annex building. Based at the former Brent Town Hall in Forty Lane, Lycée International School will be named after the former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill and will open its doors to 500-600 students this September.

Flood precast was able to deliver within the tight timescale that was required. Works are continuing on site at a fast pace as the facilities will need be ready for the school opening in September 2015. The full capacity of the Lycée will be around 1000 pupils

Flood Hollowcore Flooring was used as part of the re-modelling. The use of Precast Concrete Hollowcore Flooring is an extremely cost effective solution that fits easily into any structural system so was an ideal solution for the re-modelling of this old building.

For more information on our range of concrete products contact our team at info@floodprecast.ie

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